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Biography of Judy Randant -
Hi, I started my Child Care Business in 1989. I have a B.S. Degree in Child Development. Over the years we keep becoming more and more eco friendly. I feel if the children can develop an appreciation of the earth it will benefit us all. As from an article I read stated, "Until we teach children to love the earth, how can we ask them to save it?" We have the children participate in many outside activities, including gardening, and composting. We want to stimulate their curiosity about how things grow, live, die etc. It is exciting for me to see when a child who doesn't like vegetables, pulls up a carrot or picks a pole bean from the garden and eats it. I am always thinking of ways to encourage children to try new things. Instead of doing an early pre-school math activity indoors, we do them outdoors as well. Counting rocks, pouring water,watching the plants get bigger as they grow, discussing about the aphids that eat our plants and the beneficial bugs like ladybugs. Being outside also encourages children to move their bodies and be physically active. I always continue my education through Conferences and Workshops. I believe education and experience is a big factor in a quality Pre-School/Child Care Program. (If I don't have an opening I will try to help with referrals ).

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